I want to
ask a question, have you ever had the event where you had to return something
to the store that you bought it from? An item of clothing and it did not fit?
Even though you thought when you bought it, when you looked at the mirror and
you thought you looked good, but when you got home, you think, maybe I don’t
look that great, let me rather return it. Maybe you bought an item of food, you
were really looking forward to cooking whatever it is, you get home, you open
the packaging and you realize this is not edible. And you pack it up and you
return it back home. Maybe it happens
for my son unfortunately, he buys a small electronic gadget, he’s so excited,
so keen to get home. A plug the batteries in, wants to play and it goes
absolutely nowhere. Have you ever had that? Because what happens is the stores
have this policy called an exchange policy. If you buy something, but you’re
not happy with it, you can return it to the store as long as you have the
original packaging, you have the original receipt, and it must be within the
prescribed period of time. You can take it back to the store, and you can
return it, and they will give you another one of the same make, same type.
That’s what the stores do, they are very helpful. Do you realize that God did
in the exact same business? He has an exchange policy. He loves it when we come
to Him in our brokenness. With lives that are in an absolute mess, and we come
into His presence in our time of need. And it says; we find grace and we find
mercy. And at that point, God exchanges us, He takes our brokenness, and He
gives us wholeness, healing and completeness. He takes our sin, and exchanges
it for His righteousness. Once we were removed from God, because of salvation
of the cross, we have now, we have the right standing, we have the
righteousness, and we have access to the presence of God. Here we were without hope;
he exchanges it and gives us hope. Here we were without vision, without
direction, once we find Jesus, we realize that He is my vision, Jesus is our
vision, and now, we have life, it has purpose, it has direction. So God is into
exchanging. In my life, in your life, you will see that many times over. Fill
in the blank, you came with this, and God exchanged it to that. I say that this
morning because I want to introduce what I want to share this morning, as we
continue to work our way through the book of 1Peter. I want to speak this
morning about the grace zone. That is the overriding title and heading we are
preaching through this series, the grace zone of submission. We say ouch,
because once again, this is an exchange that takes place. We come with
everything that is everything that is about me. Everything that is about my
way. And God says no, he wants to change that. He wants to make it into what He
has determined it to be. As we look at this, I want to ask and trust that
biblically we will ask and answer three questions. The question is; what is
biblical submission. Secondly, how do we submit, and thirdly, I want to ask and
answer the question of why do we submit?
Reading the book of 1Peter chapter two verses
thirteen to twenty five. “13 Submit
yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the
emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or
to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend
those who do right. 15 For it is God’s
will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish people.
16 Live as free people, but do not use your
freedom as a cover-up for evil; live as God’s slaves. 17 Show
proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honour the
emperor.18 Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to
your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those
who are harsh. 19 For it is commendable
if someone bears up under the pain of unjust suffering because they are
conscious of God. 20 But how is it to
your credit if you receive a beating for doing wrong and endure it? But if you
suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God.
21 To this you were called, because Christ
suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps.22 “He
committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.”[e]23 When
they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he
made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. 24 “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the
cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds
you have been healed.” 25 For “you were
like sheep going astray,”[f]
but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls.” Let’s
go over the job we have set for ourselves now.
Question 1: What is biblical submission. I
have a text I will refer to but when I was pondering on these thoughts, I
thought let’s see what our resources, our dictionaries, what they say what it
means to submit. What is the definition of submission according to the
dictionary: to submit is to yield to someone else’s will or to their ways. To
be subject to, and as I read that there’s nothing that jarred in my spirit, and
I thought okay, I tend to agree with that, that sounds sound, logical, to be
subject to that person. Now, I would like to go find a text that to me speaks
about biblical submission. I’m sure that us you are sitting here right now,
there are a number of verses of your thought process. The one for me resembles
the purest form of submission. Read it in Philippians chapter two
verses five to eight. “5 In your relationships with
one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:6 Who, being
in very nature[a]
God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own
advantage;7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very
of a servant, being made in human likeness.8 And being found in
appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even
death on a cross!” It speaks about Jesus the Son who came down to earth to
fulfil God’s plan for restoration of the relationship between the creator and
the created. Jesus had to submit to that plan. Before the creation of man,
before you were born, scripture tells us that God knew He had to put a plan in
place because we would fall out of favour, we would fall into sin, so he had to
put a plan together to put us righteous again. To exchange our sin for His righteousness
and that happened at the cross of Jesus. To me, this epitomizes what is true
biblical submission. There are two points in verse six. “Though He was in the
form of God, He didn’t count equality with God a thing to be grasped.” Remember
that Jesus came down to this earth as fully God, because we understand the
godhead is three things. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit,
the trinity. And so John, when he starts to write the epistle of John, he
writes about the Son that came down, became the Word, and came down to
earth. To live among us as men here on
earth. And so it’s important to realize that Jesus understood fully His
position as the Son of God, being in the form of God, being in the nature of
God, He understood that completely when He came down to earth. Yet it goes on
to say, verse 6B, it says that He gave all that up in submission to the plan of
the Father. Incredible submission, understanding legally His position and
choosing to yield. To someone else’s will, and to someone else’s way to become
subject to the plan of God the Father. Now, we come it forward in today’s
context. I want to ask a question this: who are we? We knew that Jesus was the
Son of the Father, and we understand He gave up the position, so right now,
right here, where you sit and where you stand, who are you? When Jesus came and
died on the cross. It says that He purchased men and women for God. It says
that then we became God’s children. Romans chapter 8 verses 12 to 17 says:
“12Therefore, brothers, we have an obligation--but
it is not to the sinful nature, to live according to it.13For if you
live according to the sinful nature, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put
to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live,14because
those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.15For you
did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received
the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father. 16The
Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children.17Now if we
are children, then we are heirs--heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if
indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his
glory.” So, we are legally children of God. We understand that, we are
purchased by the blood of Christ; we are legally children of God. We have
certain rights, we have certain obligations, we are His, and He purchased us.
The scripture goes on to say that not only are we children of God, but we are
heirs, so there is an inheritance for us. And as we know, legally, if the
father dies, and there is a will in place, certain things are willed to certain
beneficiaries, and then it’s a legal process. You cannot change that. If you
want to, then there’s an incredible legal procedure that you have to follow,
it’s very, very difficult. If I die, I put a will in place and say: “I bequeath
to Steve Neveling my shoes.” No one can change that. At some point, my shoes
will be given to Steve because that’s my desire. In scripture it is written
that we are not only children, but we are also heirs. Notice the wording it
says we are heirs of God, and we are heirs with Christ. So like Jesus did, we
have an understanding of where we stand. Children of God with an inheritance
that is coming our way which God has determined and deemed fit to give us. If
we move on to Romans 12, where it tells us how we live that out. Romans 12
verses 1 and 2 says: “Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of
God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to
God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the
pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then
you will be able to test and approve what
God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect
will.” We stand here fully as
children of God. Fully understanding that there is an inheritance for us
because scripture tells us that. But when we go and live it out now, you take
that, and you live your life as a living sacrifice. That is your pleasing,
perfect act of worship to God. So, what is biblical submission? I believe if you
follow the example that Jesus set is when we understand fully what is ours. We
understand fully who we are and we choose important Word. We choose to yield to
the will of the Father. We choose to say: “Yes we understand that it is ours,
we understand the position we are in, but we choose to live our lives yielded
back to You, Father.” That is what, I believe, is biblical submission. God does
not want to take you by the scruff of your neck and lead you along the road of
Christianity by the scruff of your neck and push you this way and that way,
direct you this way and pull you back. He doesn’t want to do that. He could,
but in His incredible wisdom he says no, He doesn’t want to do that. Why?
Because God wants our hearts. And we need to understand that the only way that
God will have our hearts if we fully give it to Him. I used that cynalergy,
when I was dating my wife, before we got engaged, before we got married, before
we got engaged, Knee – Key had plans to do this trip to Europe. She was going
to become an au pair for a year or more. We got together, and we knew right
from the beginning that it was quite serious. We took a trip to her parents,
they were living in Cape Town to say hello to her parents and meet them. Her
father pulled me aside one day and said he knew when his daughter mentioned
that she is still going overseas, even though she really wanted to stay, but
she was still going overseas. He knew then that this was something serious.
Why? Because he said, and not that I had any authority over my wife at that
stage, but I could have asked her not to go and she would have happily stayed.
But she needed to go. She needed to go and find out a bit more of who she was,
so I didn’t stand in the way. And she knew then that we were going to get
married then. The point is when it comes will not thrust His finger in your
chest and rip out your heart against your will. He will give you the option to
say; “You choose.” Because when I know that you choose to give your life back
to me, then fully I know I have your
heart. That is what biblical submission. When we fully understand who we are,
when we fully understand what is ours, when we fully understand that we are
sons and daughters of God. That gives us a grounding, that also says that we
have an inheritance. We are heirs; we have something coming towards us. But
then four chapters we are encouraged to live our lives as living sacrifices.
Understanding what we have there but choosing to give it up here. That is when
God says that I know that I have your heart, and you are fully submitted to me.
That is the example Jesus set. It says that Jesus did not grasp after what is
His. Jesus knew what was His; He knew He was the Son of God. He could have
grasped after it. He could have asked God to send angels. At the Garden of
Gethsemane three times, Jesus prayed and said: “This cup is too much, take it
away from me.” And eventually Jesus said: “Father, Your will be done, not
mine.” And with that settled, He fulfilled the plan of God. Fully submitted and
fully effective because He was fully submitted. So, you and I, where you stand
now, the context over here, remember when we read 1Peter 2, the context there
when Peter was right to be in submission to authorities and submission to
masters and slaves. That was the context of the day, now we understand that we
are in an employment context, the employer and the employee. In those two
contexts, we need to be fully submitted. Because we submit to the way and will
of God. That is biblical submission, is when you choose to yield your heart,
and we give it back to God.
Next question 2 is: How do I submit? You’ve
been there; I’ve been there many times. It’s not a natural thing in certain
situations to submit. Be honest, it is not a natural thing. So, how do we
submit? This is so against how your natural DNA is put together, that we need
to wrestle this just like Jesus did. Even the Son of God had to get down on His
knees, and He was praying, and He was even sweating drops of blood, He was so
intense about this. So, how do we submit? I want to take us to the book of
Matthew just to take you one handle about how to do this and then some practical
out workings of it. Matthew chapter 8 verse 10. This is the story when we talk
about submission and authority; this is what should come to mind. The context
of the story is that once again, in the day, a person in the Roman army comes
to Jesus. He is a centurion in the army, he has a servant who is sick, and he
comes to Jesus because his servant is busy dying. He says to Jesus: “Lord, I am
a centurion, I understand this concept of authority and submission, I too am in
a position of authority, I too have people who are submitted to my authority. I
tell them to go, and they go. I tell them to come, and then they come. I
understand this idea of submission and authority. So, all I want to ask for you
to say the word, and then I know my servant will be healed. And Jesus’ response
when he says that in Matthew 8 verse 10 says: “10When
Jesus heard this, he was astonished and said to those following him, "I
tell you the truth, I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith.” How do I submit? It is not in your natural
ability. Because you have nothing in your natural ability to consistently
submit. You might do it once, but at some point, you are going to dig in your
heels, you are going to push back and say no, I cannot do this. It is a step of
faith. Jesus said to the people around Him when this man came with the
understanding and of authority and submission, he didn’t say yes, He has so
great healing. Even though the centurion’s servant was healed, Jesus said:
“Never have I seen such faith before. In this understand this idea of authority
and submission. How do we submit? We submit in faith. There is no other way
that we can do this. Understanding that this is the way and the will of God.
That we take that, and even though we don’t completely understand it, and even
though possibly inside of us, there are still things that want to fight and
push and then, we submit. This is where the crunch comes. And this is where I
will say it but I will find it difficult, but I will say it nonetheless. Peter,
when he was writing to the church in Rome, he said: “Submit to the emperor.”
Who was the emperor he was saying he must submit to. A guy by the
name of Nero. If you know anything about the History about the Roman Empire,
Nero was a godless man. It was under the leadership of Nero that the Circus
Maximus was established. Where for how many years, night upon night, every
single day of the year, not a day was missed where people were brutally
slaughtered for the entertainment of people. In that building, that was under
the leadership of Nero. Killing people, killing Christians, feeding them to
animals. This is where I find it difficult to understand, and we have to
wrestle this thing, like Jesus did. On His knees, He prayed. So, they came to a
place where Peter says; submit. Submit, not to the man. You submit to God’s
plan. You submit to God’s way. It is very difficult because we have to qualify
once again. Peter says when he writes the text, he says, in 1Peter chapter two verses
thirteen, he says: “Submit for the Lord’s sake.” We don’t submit for anybody
else’s sake. That’s why you have people who become martyrs. Because they are
being persecuted by the system, they are being persecuted by people, but yet,
they are being martyred. It’s a very difficult thing to understand, but they
are submitting and the way. Because that’s what it is. This is an incredibly
difficult thing to understand, and I’m going to go back and speak to Brent, the
senior pastor, and I’m going to ask him to come back and qualify this again
next week. But we submit. Let me say this again, if there is a direct violation
of God’s Word and God’s law, we submit to the law of God, we submit to the Word
of God, above anything else. Because remember that everything on earth is
prescribed to by God. Everything on earth in itself is subject to a higher
authority. And we know who that authority is. Every person, every system, every
organisation one day will be held accountable to what it does here on this
planet earth. It will be judged. It will be held accountable to the judgement
of the King of Kings. And when things are not going according to what is
happening here on earth, what we understand what God’s word says, we submit to
the word of God, which is the highest authority. That is how you live out your
submission. Practical ways to the steps of submission, we look at Jesus’ example.
He said once again, in Philippians
chapter two verse seven: “He emptied Himself by taking on the form of a
servant.” To set the context of the day, when you were a servant in the days of
Jesus, you had no rights. You had no rights. You had nothing coming towards
you. You could not demand anything; you could not ask anything, you were
subject to everything. You were expendable, you were not a person, and you were
an object. An example that Jesus said is that Jesus emptied himself and took on
the form of a servant. What did He empty Himself of? He emptied Himself of
every expectation that He knew was legally His. Because that is what a servant
is, you had nothing flowing towards you. You have nothing that you can demand
is yours, you are a servant. And in scripture says that Jesus took on the form
of a servant. No rights, no expectations, nothing. How do we do that? We have
to be for God. And this is where we search our hearts where if there is
anything that crops up, in any context that you find yourself in. Here this
text refers to rulers and authorities in governmental positions. It also goes
on with employer and employee relations. We have to empty ourselves of this. It
says that Jesus did not grasp after these things. In your heart of heart, what
are you grasping after? You have to empty yourself and of your expectation. And
then, it said that Jesus humbled Himself to radical obedience, even obedience
to death on the cross. And we are called to follow likewise if we are called to
follow Jesus. That means radical obedience, to God’s law, to God’s Word, to God’s
Question 3 is: Why should we submit? 1Peter
teaching on the context of submission, 1Peter chapter two verse twenty one, he
says: “For to this you have been called.” Speaking to the Christians, speaking
to the church, “Because Christ also suffered, leaving you an example so that
you might follow in His footsteps.” We are called to follow the example of
Jesus. How do we see Him live out His submission? We are called to live out
submission, the same way that Jesus lived out His submission. 1Peter chapter 2 verses
15 say: “For this is the will of God by doing good, you could put to silence
foolish people.” Your lifestyle must back up your message. You cannot claim to
be something, and then in another context, another place, we live out something
completely different. That is one thing that the world throws at the church too
often, is that we are not credible. The message requires that the message and
the lifestyle back each other up. Your lifestyle is submitted to the Word of
God. Your lifestyle is submitted to the message that you preach. Your lifestyle
is submitted to what you believe. And that is what Peter is saying, he says do
not go around living like idiots and then claiming to be something else. Put them
to silence, keep them quiet by backing up your message with your lifestyle.
Another reason why we should submit. Revelations chapter twelve verse eleven
says: “We will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our
testimony.” Jesus has done, He has paid the price, at the cross, it was
completed, and it was finished. But we also overcome by backing that up with
the word of our testimony. So that your friends, your work colleagues, the
world out there will see here are people who are credible. Not hypocrites, not
two – faced, not double minded. But people who are credible. We are fully submitted
to Jesus and His way. So I come back to what I started with this morning. God’s
exchange policy. Everything in the world will tell you that it’s all about you,
you have full rights. God wants to say will you come and exchange that. I have
my will, my way, and I want to exchange that with you this morning. Bring your
broken life, bring the mess that it is, and allow me to give you what I have
what I have in store for you.
Senior Pastor: Brent Brading
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